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Happy Veterans Day


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Pictured Above: Sheriff Gerald Robinson standing with his Army issued M-16 Rifle during the United States '91 participation in the defense of Saudi Arabia in the deployment known as "Operation Desert Storm"



Dear Citizens:


We as citizens sometimes seek for heroes who would save our day; however, as we seek, we often forget the existing heroes who fought for our freedom years ago and those who continue that fight today.


Every year when we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11th, we are reminded to thank our family, friends, community members, and especially our very own officers and staff, who have served or are serving in all branches of the military. Our veterans and their families have made many sacrifices to keep our country safe. As an American citizen and retired Army veteran, I am ever so humbled by the bravery and courage of our veterans in our community and abroad.


I welcome all Americans to join my staff and I in remembering the reason for our freedom. We strongly encourage everyone to think of our veterans and thank them when you see them. We support and honor our veterans, not just on Veterans Day, but every day of the year.


Happy Veterans Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Gerald Robinson
